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Showing posts from June, 2017
Interviewing without "Interviewing" So, what CAN we ask potential candidates without possibly stepping into the forbidden zone? It is becoming more challenging to enter into a reciprocal dialog without unintentionally opening a can of legal worms. What can make it more challenging is when an interviewee begins offering off-limits information. I have been in this very position and think, “NOOOOOOOO……..”. All right, that’s a slight exaggeration, and I certainly do not react that way. Instead, I direct the conversation back to more appropriate information. The traditional interview questions can be boring and lend themselves to a mechanical “my turn, your turn” exchange of questions and answers.   With a little effort, anyone can prep their answers in anticipation of these standard questions. They are also fertile ground for those awkward seconds of silence that feel like minutes between questions. They may be predictable, but they are so prescribed that the flow...