Observing is Learning in Leadership Dr. Shawn Wolf | Outside-Force BDF The dynamic of people in the workplace is an interesting behavior to observe; I had the not so enjoyable experience of observing such choices from a gurney. And, yes, I do believe how we behave is a choice. Yep, at a way too young age, I had my right hip replaced… two and a half times!! So, some of it was self-inflicted (way too much running) but going through three significant surgeries, two of which were “crisis” mode, provided the opportunity to observe some interesting human and leader/manager behavior. “How we behave is a choice.” My second and most extensive surgery resulted from fracturing my femur, just below the ball of the bone, which of course triggered my second surgery, and first hip replacement (surgery #1 was hip resurfacing, only 18 months or so earlier). Of course, I ended up in the local emergency room, in extreme pain, and along with numerous other individuals to have variou...
Outside-Force is a business development firm offering a range of professional services. Our expertise lies in leadership development, training & development, coaching, consulting, and change management.